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Study guides


These guides are meant to help you; a student who knows all the below well should do well on the exam. It is not a contract. There is no room to negotiate over whether questions on the exams are perfectly represented in this list.

For the midterm, you should know…

  • How to identify Latin American countries on a map
  • The broad political and economic context of Latin America (e.g., what kind of governments, what kind of economies, general languages/ethnic groups, etc.)
  • How Latin American economies have developed over time, what they typically produce, and related challenges
  • How the colonial experience shaped Latin American development, how these experiences differ from North America, how this might unexplain underdevelopment (and why it might not)
  • How the Cold War affected Latin America
  • How racial identity “works” in Latin America, its colonial roots, how its different from the US
  • Color elasticity and what it tells us about the relationship between physical appearance and racial identity, how it interacts with status
  • The causes and consequences of land invasions
  • How Latin American states have managed ethnic groups over time, related controversies, policy reforms that have been tried and related challenges
  • Definitions of poverty and controversies, poverty patterns in LA, gradation in poverty and characteristics, importance of human capital and networks
  • Inequality as a concept, measurement, its consequences for political and economic development
  • Patterns of redistribution “from above” in Peru, why dictators would expropriate, why elites would accept democracy as a bargain
  • The broad contours of the drug trade, crime patterns, measurement issues, reading/lecture coverage of the Mexican case
  • The role played by gangs in prisons and the use of protection rackets more generally
  • The disruption of protection rackets and its connection to violence

Things you should know for the final…

  • The relationship between state capacity and tax revenue, challenges with tax capacity in LAC
  • The role of the center and periphery in political development, different paths of state formation
  • The goals, uses, and limitations of decentralization
  • Informality as a challenge to governance, why its difficult to be informal, informality and regulation
  • Davis’ chapters on slums around the world, how and why they form, the state’s approach, challenges to life in slums
  • What clientelism is, how it works, how it varies, the role of voting technology in clientelism
  • The Odebrecht scandal, corruption in general, how it varies, how people are exposed to it, attempts to curb corruption