Corruption and democracy


  • For the data, right-click, “save/download file as…”
  • Open the data
  • Complete all of the tasks associated with that data and keep track of your answers / images
  • Once you are done, go on Canvas and answer the questions related to the assignment
    • the Canvas assignment is timed; if you open it prior to completing the tasks you will run out of time

My awkward Google Sheets video tutorials are here


Let’s look at this survey data on perceptions of corruption in Latin America, from the Latin American Public Opinion Project:

  1. Find a story concerning corruption in the country you have followed through the quarter. What was the story about? What kind of corruption? Briefly describe, include link (2 points).

  2. Question a4 asks respondents to say what the biggest problem in the country currently is. Calculate the percent of respondents who gave each answer. What rank is corruption in terms of worst problems? (1 pt)

  3. Across the whole region, what percent of respondents think it would be justified for the military to overthrow the government as a response to corruption (jc13)? (1 pt)

  4. In which country is support for democracy the highest, on average (ing4)? (1 pt)

  5. About how much more likely is a man to be asked for a bribe by a police officer than a woman (exc2)? Report the difference in percentage points. (1 pt)

  6. In which “size” of city (tamano) is it most likely that someone is asked for a bribe by a public official (exc6)? Calculate the percent of people who reported paying a bribe to a public official, by size of city. (1 pt)

  7. Using this dataset, calculate 2-3 statistics of interest. Describe why you chose these and what you found. 4-5 sentences. (3 pts)

Variable dictionary

name value
pais País
year Año
ur Urbanización
tamano Tamaño del lugar
sex Género
q2 Edad
a4 El problema más importante en el pais?
l1 Ideologia de participante, del 1 (izquierda) al 10 (derecha)
jc13 El golpe de estado se justifica cuando hay mucha corrupción
ing4 Apoyo a la democracia?
exc2 Pidió pagar un mordida/soborno por un oficial de policía en los últimos 12 meses
exc6 Pidió pagar una coima por parte de un empleado público en los últimos 12 meses
exc7 Percepción de corrupción de funcionarios públicos
ed Años de educación
gi4 Conocimiento - contesto pregunta sobre la duración del mandato presidencial/primer ministro/gobierno
vb2 Registrado para votar en la ultima elección presidencial/general