original | labels |
country | Country |
region | UN regions |
prison_population_rate | prisoners per 100,000 of the national population |
prison_population_total | total prisoners |
female_prisoners | % of prisoners who are female |
pre_trial_detainees | % of prisoners who are pre-trial detainees |
foreign_prisoners | % of prisoners who are foreigners |
occupancy_level | % occupancy (prisoners / number of beds) |
juvenile_prisoners | % of prisoners who are juveniles |
number_institutions | Number of prisons |
- For the data, right-click, “save/download file as…”
- Open the data
- Complete all of the tasks associated with that data and keep track of your answers / images
- Once you are done, go on Canvas and answer the questions related to the assignment
- the Canvas assignment is timed; if you open it prior to completing the tasks you will run out of time
Skills used:
- Sorting/filtering
- grouped summary statistics
- plotting
- counting categories
Task 1: Crime in the media
In class, we watched a portion of Pájaros de verano (Birds of Passage; also available to stream online for free). Reflect on what you saw and draw specific parallels between moments or scenes in the film and the readings from class. As in: the scene where XYZ happened / the relationship in the movie between X and Y / etc. parallels Smith/Telles claim that ABC. ~400 words. (4 points).
The narco-corrido became a popular genre of music during Mexico’s so-called “drug war” of the 2010s. What are narcocorridos, and how do they typically depict the drug trade? Explain in 2-3 sentences and include a link to an example song. (1 points)
Task 2: prison planet
Let’s look at this data on worldwide prison populations. Variable dictionary below.
- Using this data: where does Panama rank AMONG LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES in its prison population rate? Note: ranking “first” means having the highest prison rate, “tenth” means having the tenth highest prison rate. Your answer will just be a number, so “first” = 1. (1 point)
- Using this data, calculate the average prison rate per region of the world. Where does Latin America and the Caribbean rank globally? (1 point).
- Look at the top 10 countries in the world in terms of highest occupancy rates. How many of these countries are in Latin America? (1 pt)
- Make a scatterplot of the prison population rate (x-axis) against the number of prisons a country has (y-axis) for all LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES in the dataset. There is an “outlier” country at the top middle of the graph. a) What is this country? b) What does its position tell us about the number of prisons it has relative to its prison population rate? (2 point).
- Come up with a thoughtful question someone could answer with this data. Describe your question, what you did with the data to answer it, and what the answer is. Roughly 100 words. (2 points)